
Dim Yma engages in a number of contemporary issues related to homelessness and poverty, including immigration, working conditions and policies of relevant bodies. However, we do not support any political movement or party, and any such engagement is made irrespective of a political affiliation.

On social media, we often share content from other accounts, however that does not necessarily indicate an endorsement of the post in part or in whole. We take particular care to ensure that we avoid engaging in content that promotes any form of discrimination, abuse or harassment.

We also take care to ensure that our working environment is established to be free of any abuse or discrimination, so that both our clients and our personnel are treated fairly, respectfully and equally.

For our full policies on Dim Yma’s commitments to how it upholds it’s values of equality and respect, please see below. Feel free to get in touch in should you have any further questions.

Many thanks, Dim Yma.

For your information please find Dim Yma’s policies on the following:

We have a simple privacy policy. No cookies are collected whatsoever.