Donation Page

Thank you for your consideration in making a donation to support our work. Before you make a decision, please bear the following in mind:

1. We Cover All Overheads:

100% of expenses of Dim Yma’s operations, such as staff costs, administration and research are covered by the founder, whilst all of donations go directly and solely towards supporting clients. This will continue for the foreseeable future in order to ensure public donations are spent on projects and not expenses.

2. Times Are Tough:

Dim Yma was founded in August 2021 and registered with the Charity Commission in October 2024, at the height of the worst cost of living crisis seen in decades. We thus do not wish anybody to spend more than they can afford. We appreciate whatever you can provide.

3. On Your Terms:

We wish to be flexible in allowing donations as one off or recurring or towards a specific project that comes from our interventions. Recall that the Assertive Outreach is carried out on a voluntary basis so that your donation will go directly to funding one of three current projects from our Flexi-Budget Intervention.

One-off Donations

Recurring Donations

£5 £10 £20 £5 £10 £20 £5 £10 £20

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